Visitor Management System For Society


In modern times with the increasing population, security has become one of the major issues. In the society compounds, offices, factories, everywhere security concerns the authorities. People might walk in as visitors, relatives, employers, labour class, contractors, mechanic, etc. A check on the people is really important. This becomes all the more important in societies where there are families living along with kids and their wealth. With the growing development in technology, ways have been developed to strengthen security and cater to the growing security issues. One such way is the technological management of visitors. There are online apps that help to manage security. Also known as a visitor management system, unlike traditional ways of the visitor management system, is a digital way of tracking the visitors. The visitor management system tracks a visitor from the beginning to the end i.e., from check-in to check-out.

Working on the visitor management system:

Visitor management system for society is very crucial. It starts from the moment the visitor enters society. After the visitor enters he is supposed to feed the details. Moreover to have strong security the picture of the visitor is also captured. This makes people more accountable to maintain security. After doing the needful the visitor can go and meet the concerned person. The visitor also gets a pass or badge for verification purposes. After the person is done with his work he is also supposed to check-out via the system. Note that the security staff maintains a dashboard provided by the visitor management system. The dashboard contains information about all visitors and helps to manage reports. The visitor management system also keeps an account of visitor count. One can check the total number of visitors in a day. The visitor management system also allows checking the status of the visitor in the society. Thus we can see that this system helps to establish strong security in the society premise.

Advantages of a visitor management system:

  • The visitor management system for society is quite easy to operate. No special training is required for the same.
  • The system as we have discussed, its working leads to a strong security system. The photo capturing is to keep a double check on the security.
  • The identification method also helps society in cases of robbery and theft. Since the details are checked and verified, finding the culprit becomes easy.
  • The notification that is sent to the host is also important. The host is always aware of the guest who is about to come. Moreover, the host can also know when the visitor has entered the premise.
  • The visitor management system also allows the visitor to register beforehand or to have a pre-registration. With the help of the previous visit details, registration for the new visit becomes easy.

Note that the visitor management system is available on both PC and smartphone. Smartphone visitor management also works the same as the computer or web-based management. The only difference is that the host gets a real-time notification.