Brand New Or Second Hand: Which Is Better When Designing Your Office Space?

Furnishing any small or large office space can be a daunting and challenging process. Whether it is to design a new office or renovating the existing one, the office furniture you intend to use does more than merely filling up space and hence the selection needs to be done carefully. With the right office furniture you can create the aura and culture for your clients and working staffs and this even enhances their productivity level. But, this doesn’t mean that you have to spend furniture, to create an atmosphere for your employees as there are budget options available in office furniture. You can either settle with used office furniture or go for some brand new office furniture for your new office. 

Let us find out which is the better option when it comes to Office Furniture Essex, whether to go for brand new or settle with the used office furniture. 

Pros & Cons of Used Office Furniture


  • The primary reason to buy used office furniture is the affordability that comes with this furniture. Being the start-up you may have to constrict budget and resources and spending on furniture upfront is not advisable as there are many other things that need to be taken care of and are more important than furniture. So, in such a scenario settling with used office furniture is feasible. 
  • You get the chance to fill the office spaces with vintage office furniture which doesn’t exist today. This would make your office look exclusive and stand out when the client walks through the door.


  • Used furniture is only sold when it is of no use or it has some kind of problem. So, it is necessary that you check the quality and warranty before buying it.
  • The consistency of its appearance may be impacted as it is already used and without uniformity, in the style and appearance it would be challenging to achieve comfort level for your clients and employees  

Pros & Cons of Brand New Office Furniture 


  • The quality and benefits that you get with brand new office furniture are second to none. 
  • There are many brands delivering office furniture to suit the modern-day office spaces, theme and decor. 
  • New Office furniture can give the new refreshing appearance to the same old office sometime a pinch of newness is just needed to entirely change the ambience or look of the space. 


  • The only drawback that is associated with the brand new office furniture is the pricing.

Both the brand new and used office furniture has its own pros and cons and it is about selecting the right office furniture depending upon the budget and environment that you want to offer to your clients and employees.