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Why To Suffer When An Alternative Is There?

There are many people who have undergone through a complete hip replacement surgery. The good news is that most of the patient who has got their hip replaced is well contented and satisfied with the surgery. They are happily leading their lives that too without any discomfort. But it doesn’t mean that this surgery is ideal for everyone. Yes, you must be thinking how would I know if I need this replacement right?

An Alternative!

Before we dig into this, you must know that the Cost of hip replacement surgery in India, is quite nominal and you can afford it in case the need arises. Now coming back to the point, this Hip replacement might be an alternative when nonsurgical interventions like physical therapy, medication and the use of a cane or other walking help is no longer helpful in lessening the pain. Many other possible signs include: aching in joint, followed by periods of comparative relief; pain after wide use; absence of mobility; loss of sleep, joint stiffness after the time of rest or inactivity or pain which seems to upsurge in humid weather.

Your main doctor might refer you to an orthopaedic surgeon who shall help you in determiningif it is the time for hip surgery. In case yes then he would tell you about the kind of hip surgery that is most suitable. It is possible that your surgeon might decide that hip replacement surgery is not at all appropriate in the instances wherein you have an infection, do not possess enough bone, or the bone is not at all strong to support an artificial hip.

Doctors usually try to delay complete hip replacement for as long as possible in the favour of less invasive actions. In case you have advanced joint ailments, hip replacement might cater the opportunity for relief from pain and an absolutely return to normal activities.

Are These Replacements common?

Well, for the past forty years, lakhs of individuals who have suffered from hip pain and arthritis have felt relief and reinstated mobility through complete hip replacement. Actually, hip replacement and revision surgeries are usual and get performed on around a million people worldwide every single year.

What about a diagnosis?

For diagnosing your condition, an orthopaedic surgeon shall carry out a detailed examination of your hip, examine X-rays and perform physical tests. You shall be asked to define your pain, in case you suffer from other joint pains or in case you have suffered past injuries which might have affected your present hip condition.

It can be very helpful to keep a record of hip pain to share with the doctor. Your hip joint shall then get tested for strength and variety of motion via a sequence of activities. X-rays of your hip joint shall denote any alteration in size or shape, or any rare circumstances. MRIs get used to detect initial stages of ailments.


Thus, in case you have any issues with your hip, you must consult your doctor today. Why to face so much of pain when there is an alternative available? So, just check out the cost of hip replacement in India and get your hip replaced within your budget.



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