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Teal Swan- How Can Acceptance Of Reality Bring Joy And Positive Change?

Does ignorance of reality or the truth make you happy? Many people fear facing the truth for what unfolds for them. Often, they are scared of hurting themselves or others in the process, so they decide to keep quiet or suppress the truth deep inside. However, this step does not make them happy. They face pain and suffering in life. It makes them miserable, and they live a life of pretense over authenticity.

Teal Swan is a widely popular and well-loved spiritual leader, artist, public speaker, and author in the USA. She was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on the 16th of June, 1984, with a range of extrasensory abilities like clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. She suffered severe abuse during her childhood due to her gifts. However, today, she uses them with her harrowing life experience to help people overcome the pain and suffering in their lives.

One Should Have The Willingness To See Reality And The Truth

Her teachings involve having the courage and the willingness to see the truth. When one decides to see the truth, they see reality as it is. She can reflect both the non-physical and the physical reality of a specific situation. By facing the truth and reality, people become empowered to take up mental, physical, and emotional steps for improvement based on their awareness.

The Two Camps Of Self-Help And Spirituality

She believes that self-help and spirituality are divided into two key camps. The first is the practice of self-help and spirituality for getting relief and comfort. The second entails the practice of spirituality and self-help to become awakened and aware.

Knowing The Real Motive

People that fit into the first camp wish to feel good about themselves. They seek knowledge and the practices available in the field to handle uplifted. Those people who come under the second camp have the willingness to know what is true. They understand that knowing this truth will help them make the changes they need to feel better.

Face The Truth And Make The Change

Though the truth makes them feel uncomfortable, they are still keen to know about it to embrace the changes they need to make for a better life. In fact, according to Teal Swan, this is the classic blue and red pill scenario shown in the movie Matrix.

She believes that the only axis of choice and power is to be accurate and observe the truth. However, you must be ready and willing to see this truth. This knowledge will help you experience freedom, and you can march ahead to an authentic life with success! You cannot force the fact, and it is here that you must decide on your real motive for practicing self-help and spirituality. Teal also provides enough resources and discourses for people to see this truth and realize the true essence of life, as discussed here.

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