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Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

The Heart is one of the organs in the human body which pumps blood through blood vessels for the circulation. The heart is located between the lungs and in the middle compartment of the chest. The four valves in human heart are the Aortic valve, Mitral valve, Tricuspid Valve, Pulmonic Valve. Valve replacement is the replacement of one or more heart valves with either an artificial heart valve or bioprosthesis. An artificial heart valve is implanted in the heart of the patient with heart disease. There are four procedures for the replacements namely Aortic valve replacement, Pulmonary valve replacement, Tricuspid valve replacement, Mitral valve replacement.In all these replacements the Aortic valve replacement is the most common type. In all these replacements the patient’s valves are replaced with a mechanical devices.

A defect in patients heart valve can cause the flow of blood to flow forward or backward. It causes the problems such as chest pain and heart failure. If the replacement is not done then there is potential risks like infection, bleeding, kidney failure, valve failure, heart attack, heart stroke and in some cases even death. The patient can perform his normal activities without any problems. The patient may need around seven months of rest to do his normal surgery.  There are alternatives to this valve treatment surgery which suggests the patients to take prescribed medication to improve heartbeat, remove excess fluids and control blood pressure. There is also an invasive procedure known as percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty. They only treat the symptoms associated with valve problems, not the main problem. Going for a valve replacement surgery gives the improved quality of life and prolonged life.

Here the patients need to undergo certain tests mostly, blood tests, X – rays and some physical examinations. The medical tests for detecting defective valves are Echocardiography, Chest X –ray, Stress test, Cardiac MRI, Cardiac catheterization, Electrocardiogram. The various factors which affect the price of heart valve replacement are the type of room, operating room, ICU costs, the fee for the doctors, medicines, cost of the valve, standard test and diagnostic procedures. The price also varies from country to country and patient to patient.

Price of heart valve replacement in India is reducing year by year. Many patients around the world come to India for the treatment. Many hospitals in India are providing world class facilities to their patients. Many patients around the world are coming to India for heart valve replacement because being developing nation and cost of expenses and living are less, they prefer to come to India than their home countries. Also, India has many given many world class doctors who do the work efficiently and effectively. Many records hold in India that they have performed around 20 hours of surgery which has many complications. Extensive investments have made sure that all medical centers are equipped with modern facilities with latest techniques and procedures. TheIndian government has made it easier for visitors who are seeking health treatments to enter the country. All they need is a relevant letter from the medical centre where you are receiving or received medical treatment. The treatment will be provided within 24 hours a patient submits appropriate documents.

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